Where this Blog Title comes from…


I have decided after many years that I’m not a very patterned and predictable person.  I’d like to be.  After all, consistency is honorable and admirable, not to mention convenient. I’ve really tried.  Somewhere deep down, my soul craves  the comfort of sameness.   I know it does — I feel it.  Heck, just to know what I’ll be doing when I open my eyes in the morning would be a good start.  I just can’t do it.  I can’t pull it off!

So……………………. I have officially surrendered.  Apparently, I have a different calling.

After taking a survey of just one area of my life — how I shop for food and make a meal — I could have figured out years ago that I’m an improvisational person.  I don’t plan my meals and make a shopping list for the coming week.  I cook by the seat of my pants.  At torganic-produce2he Farmer’s Market I buy what looks good and take the textures and fragrances and colors home.  When it is meal time, I open the refrigerator, peruse the contents, make an instinctive decision about what proteins and veggies to put together, what delectable  tastes and textures would be complimentary, fabulously colorful or surprising and make it up from there.  It’s easy for me, it’s fun and it turns out really, really well 99% of the time,  just ask my daughter and husband.  Or folks who stop by around meal time.  This is improv at its best!  Yum!

This blog is a calling out to live an improvisational life in all ways  spontaneous and spirited, but especially in singing.  It is about expressing one’s creative birthright, inventing each day and each note as it comes.  I know there are others of you out there who feel this way, and I’d love to hear your stories and experiences about this.  How does this “singing by the seat of your pants” approach to life delight you and serve others at the same time?  Let me know!

And then there’s the matter of starting an improvisational choir…..Oh, it’ll happen!!!  Want to play?



Terri Crosby


One response to “Where this Blog Title comes from…

  1. What a wondrous, heart-warming and soul-nourishing explosion of ‘in the trenches’ joy and daily-life inspiration into the blogosphere for all of us to marvel at and partake of! Congratulations on opening such a superb, enriching and beautifully accessible blog, dear friend … you are a born writer and we all are now happily to be the beneficiaries of your unique blend of practical inspiration and divine wisdom. Congratulations on unfurling your fabulous flag at last! All my best wishes and much love! RJ

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